28 August – 4 September | Bodhi Path Retreat
Meditation and Yoga
In this retreat we will receive an introduction and deepening of the meditation of calm abiding, as taught and passed on by Shamar Rinpoche. Teachings, exchanges, as well as common and individual practice will enable everyone to orientate their own practice more clearly.
Alternating with selected yoga asanas, we will cultivate the flexibility and permeability of our body and strive for a harmonious balance, which in turn supports our meditation.
Lama Jungne has worked intensively with Shamar Rinpoche and Jigme Rinpoche within the framework of Bodhi Path and is a certified yoga teacher.
Start: Saturday, 28 August, at 4 p.m.
End: Saturday, 4 September, at 12 noon
Course leadership: Lama Jungne
Course language: German/English.
Course fee: Share of the organization costs and a donation for the teachers. Your generosity will enable them to pass on the Dharma in the future.
Accommodation and meals: The donations for accommodation and food should be sufficient to cover the expenses and enable Bordo to maintain and operate. We are happy to provide further information.
Registration via bodhipath@bordo.org
Please read the information on “staying in Bordo” and “travelling to Bordo” before visiting.