Helping hands & supporting hearts

It was only through the commitment of many people that Bordo could be rebuilt and preserved to this day. Thanks to their work, Bordo, surrounded by wild nature, is a place of peace, meditation, encounters and diverse experiences for people from all walks of life. If this is to continue in the future, we still need people who feel inspired to participate in this endeavour one way or another.
There are several ways to support Bordo:


An important cornerstone for the further development and preservation of Bordo in years to come is the generosity and trust of our donors. All members of the Board and the volunteers work free of charge. Your donation will be fully used for the projects.

For Switzerland:
Cooperativa Bordo
BEKBBCBE, 2560 Nidau
CH 820079 0042 3444 1232 5
KBBECH22XXX, Clearing 790

For Germany
Cooperativa Bordo
Sparkasse Staufen-Breisach
680 523 28
Account no.:
 9209 164
DE52 6805 2328 0009 2091 64

For Italy
Karma Dechen Yangtse
BPM, Dip. 1437 Villadossola
Account no.:
N. Conto 006315
IT24 F 05034 45750 00000 00063 15

Assistance on site

 It is the on-site volunteers who, together with the committed board members and long-term residents, make the operation of Bordo possible and help to shape it in a responsible manner.



Important – Please note: We would like to point out that people on-site are responsible for their own health and accident insurance. Please confirm that you are insured and carry the necessary documents with you. A particularly popular form of assistance is Meditation and Action. Here we combine Buddhist practice with supporting activities for Bordo.


Meditation & Action

 A particularly popular form of assistance is meditation and action. Here we combine Buddhist practice with supporting activities for Bordo.



The course programme includes a special time for such activities, at the beginning of the season when we prepare the village together for the new season. Landscape conservation, thorough cleaning of the rooms and common rooms, improvement of the infrastructure, etc. are only possible with the help of dedicated volunteers.

But also during the year, helpers are often welcome to support Bordo. For example, in the preparation of the rooms for Dharma courses and events, assistance in the kitchen and garden, for repairs and maintenance work and, above all, in spring and autumn for bringing in wood supplies for the cooler season. Depending on the activities and duration of a stay, we can suggest different options.



The common practice, for which we meet regularly every day, is of course also important for Meditation & Action volunteers.  Those who have a personal Buddhist practice that cannot be combined with this are welcome as Dharma guests, but we do not recommend participation in meditation & action.  The common practice and the joy of the exchange and co-operation with the other volunteers is an important condition for a prosperous and mutually supporting community.

We make it possible for long-term volunteers to attend at least some of the Dharma courses organized by us. Dharma teachers on-site are also willing to discuss Dharma questions with the volunteers.



General conditions:

Duration: at least 3-4 weeks
Conditions: 4 hours work per day, assistance with a communal task (e.g. washing dishes), free accommodation, modest contribution for full board.
Inquiry to:


Construction, maintenance and landscape conservation

 Thanks to many weeks of construction and voluntary work throughout the year, most of Bordo’s buildings have been rebuilt and maintained. We are continuing this tradition and, with a changing team of experienced helpers, we are continuously implementing smaller and larger construction and infrastructure projects to keep the whole village in good condition. The collection of firewood for the cooler season is also an important job.
We experience the most effective support by far from qualified specialists – electricians, carpenters, bricklayers – who come regularly due to their connection to Bordo and implement a clearly defined project on their own responsibility.



Maintenance and minor repairs are necessary throughout the season while major construction activities and bringing in wood supplies for the cooler season mainly take place early and late in the season, i.e. from mid-March to before Pentecost and in autumn from mid-September. We are looking for interested people who would like to get involved for at least two weeks (preferably longer). Depending on the activities and duration of your stay, we can suggest various options.



We always have motivated volunteers who would like to get involved in the gardens and landscape management. However, our experience shows that this often only makes sense with the guidance of experienced gardeners. It would be ideal if from spring to autumn qualified people were present to implement the garden and landscape concept together with the volunteers and to supervise them.

We would be happy to discuss the conditions with interested parties and look forward to receiving an e-mail at


Membership and commitment in the Cooperativa Bordo



The cooperative consists of Bordo residents past and present, as well as people close to the project. In order to be able to meet and resolve the challenging tasks of the future together, we are happy about new people who want to join the cooperative. You become a member by purchasing a share certificate in the amount of 5,000 Swiss francs.

The members of the administration are happy to provide information at


Stay in Bordo

You support Bordo mainly through your stay in Bordo as a retreat guest, participant in a Dharma course or of one of the Bordo-events.